
Every Child Deserves the Gift of a Great Education

Learn How Pennsylvania can Make Every Child’s Dream Come True with Education Freedom!

Holiday magic and educational success should not be limited by a family’s income or zip code.

In Pennsylvania, too many of our children are stuck in schools that aren’t best for them – many times just because they live in a certain neighborhood. In many other states families are being given the freedom to choose the right school for their child. It’s time to surprise Pennsylvania children with the best gift of all: the freedom to choose the education that is right for them!

Watch the video and read the facts below to learn why Pennsylvania needs to give all families the gift of education freedom!

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Education Freedom Will Give All Children a Greater Future

The bad news: many Pennsylvania children are stuck in schools that aren’t working for them

  • Over 200,000 Pennsylvanian children are attending schools designated as underperforming across the state1
  • According to the nation’s report card, low-income 4th grade students had an average reading score 28 percent lower than their peers2
  • Nearly half of Pennsylvania schools reporting test results are not meeting the adequacy level set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education3

The good news: families agree on a commonsense solution: give families more freedom!

  • 68 percent of Americans support letting parents customize education options according to the needs of their child4
  • 71 percent of families would consider Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) for their child5
  • In states like Arizona and Colorado, hundreds of thousands of families are empowered through options like charter schools, ESAs, and tax credit scholarships6

And we have already started the process! Pennsylvania offers some families more education options through:

  • Charter schools: Pennsylvania has charter schools, but inadequate funding and red tape limits charter school growth and results in long wait lists for many families7
  • Tax credit scholarships: Pennsylvania has an Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program and an Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program, which provide tax credits to corporations who donate to organizations that provide private school scholarships8
  • Homeschooling: families can homeschool their children as long as they abide by certain regulations9

It’s time for the Keystone State to give all children the gift of a great education.